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Ryad Chellali教授
阅读次数:     发布时间:2015-10-19


Ryad Chellali





Professional Titles


Contact Information

Email: rchellali@njetech.edu.cn

Mob : +86 183 620 910 57

Education Experience

2005: Dr Sciences- Habilitation, Nantes University, France,

1993: PhD, University of Paris, France,

1988: Master of Science, University of Paris, France,

1987: Bachelor Electronics and Telecommunications, Polytech Algiers

Professional Experience


2006-2015: Senior Scientist, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Genova, Italy

1995-2006: Associate professor Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Researcher CNRS, Nantes, France,

1994-1995: Associate Professor, Versailles University, France,

1993-1995: Assistant Professor, University of Paris, France,

1992-1993: Junior researcher, Transportation institute, Paris, France


1994-1995 Consulting engineer, Robotics center, Paris, France, Field: robotics and automation.

2000-2006 Project manager, Parifex company, Paris, France, fields: Cryptography, network, image processing

2000-2003 Scientific director, TridImage company, Nantes, France, fields: computer vision, 3D reconstruction for We-commerce applications

Professional Field & Direction

Robotics: human-robots interactions, robots sensing, multi-robots systems, tele-robotics

Virtual and augmented realities: depth perception, transparency

Assistive and augmenting devices: tactile navigation, neuro-motor rehabilitation

Computer vision and machine learning: behavioral understanding, crowd analysis

The Major Academic Achievements

· National Innovation Award From Ministry of Research (“Innovation and creation of start-ups”): TridimAge project (Jan 2000)

· National Innovation Award From Ministry of Research (“Innovation and creation of start‐ups”), Optemis project. (Jan 2005)

· Awards of the best conference paper: ICIRA 2010, IARIA 2009 and second best paper ICSR2012.

· 2011-2015: Mobile sensing group leader, (IIT)

· 2006-2011: Human-Robots Mediated interactions Lab director (IIT)

· 1998-2006: Tele-robotics and virtual reality group leader, CNRS Nantes, France

· 1995-2006: Head of the engineering and automatic control dept, Nantes, France,

Representative Publications

· Wykowska. A, Chellali. R, Mamun. A. M, Muller. A. H, Implications of robot actions for humans, Int Journal of Social Robotics, Jun 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s12369-014-0239-x

· Campus. C, Brayda. L, De Carli. F, Chellali. R, Famà. F, Bruzzo, C, Lucagrossi. L, Rodriguez. G, “Tactile exploration of virtual objects for blind and sighted people: the role of beta 1 EEG band in sensory substitution and supra-modal mental mapping”, Journal of Neurophysiology. 2012 May. 107(10): 2713-29. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00624.2011.

· Brayda. L, Chellali. R, Measuring Human-Robots Interactions, International Journal of Social Robotics 4(3): 219-221 (2012). DOI: 10.1007/s12369-012-0150-2

· A. Naceri, R. Chellali, Open-loop pointing task within virtual environments, PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 2011. June 2011, Vol. 20, No. 3, Pages 254-272.

· Naceri, R. Chellali, Depth Perception within Virtual Environments: A Comparative Study Between Wide Screen Stereoscopic Displays and Head Mounted Devices, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2010

· Renna, R. Chellali, C. Achard, 3D upper body pose estimation for human-robots communication: Combination of annealing particle filter and belief propagation, 

in Applied Bionics and Biomechanics Journal, 2010

Research Projects

· Research grant European Union ICT FP7 2008-2011 (FILOSE), PI, 400Keuros

· Research grant European Union IST-FP6 2000-2003 (MAMBO) PI, 200Keuros

· Research grant European Union IST-FP6 2003-2006 RESPOIT), PI, 400Keuros

· Research grant EU-CRAFT AutoWIND, 1994-1995, EU-Eureka-Drive II. Co-PI, 500Keuros


· RM20090002: Dispositivo indossabile e relativo sistema per la rilevazione e la guida dei movimenti di un utilizzatore, Jean-Guy Fontaine, Ryad Chellali, Lorenzo Rossi January 5th, 2009

· RM2009A000417: Sistema robotico di laboratorio, Jean-Guy Fontaine, Daniele Piomelli, Ryad Chellai, Lorenzo Rossi, August 3rd, 2009

· TO2010A000049: Procedimento di elaborazione di disparità fra segnali di immagine, Humberto Calderon, Ryad Chellali, Jean-Guy Fontaine, Jesus Ortiz, January 27th, 2010

· TO2010A000051, Apparato di elaborazione per la rilevazione di disparita fra segnali di immagine, Humberto Calderon, Ryad Chellali, Jean-Guy Fontaine, Jesus Ortiz, January 27th, 2010